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We are a firm of auditors and business consultants with 30 years of uninterrupted operation, characterized by customizing and adapting our services to the needs of each client.


With great enthuasiasm we inform you that Pedro Urrutia, Director and Founding Partner of the Firm, was appointed Member of the Technical Quality Control Commission of the Inter-American Accounting Association (AIC, by its acronym in Spanish) for the period 2019-2021.  This decision has been based considering his professional career, as well as his dedication to the service of the Accounting Profession of the Americas. Within the Technical Quality Control Commission of the Inter-American Accounting Association (AIC, by its acronym in Spanish), our Quality Manager, Paola Calixto, works hand in hand with Pedro Urrutia in the different sessions, conferences and technical documents that contribute to promoting the implementation of a Quality Control System and the knowledge of the International Quality Control Standard (ISQC 1) in the signatures of accounting and auditing in AIC member countries.

The paper role of Good Conduct is requested, paid and received via the internet

On June 10, la Procuraduría General de la República published that the paper role of Good Conduct is requested, paid and received via the internet through the website: The document is paid by credit card, received in digital version and can be used as many times as you like.

President of the Domincian Republic nominated Magin Diaz as the general director of the tax

On june 25 By the Decree 172-16 the president of the Domincian Republic nominated Magin Diaz as the general director of the tax collector institution in the Dominican Republic. 

General Direction of Internal Taxes New App Mobile

The General direction of Internal Taxes ( Dirección General de Impustos Internos) innovates its application "Mobile DGII" with which the owners of vehicles can check if they have any opposition.

La organización Internacional de Normalización publicó la nueva norma ISO9001

La organización Internacional de Normalización publicó la nueva norma ISO9001:2015 sobre gestión de calidad. Esta entró en vigencia en setiembre del 2015...

Abril 2015: Bienvenidos a los nuevos miembros Moore Stephens:

Abril 2015: Bienvenidos a los nuevos miembros Moore Stephens:

Julio 2016: Tasa de Cambio para las Diferencias Cambiarias

Julio 2016: Tasa de Cambio para las Diferencias Cambiarias, al 30 de junio de 2016. 

Julio 2016: Multiplicador de Ajuste por Inflación

Julio 2016: Multiplicador de Ajuste por Inflación, Ejercicio Fiscal cerrado al 30 de junio de 2016